Demographics and Tumor Characteristics of Colorectal Cancers in South Egypt Cancer Institute (SECI) in 2022


Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health problem all over the
world. Cancer colon is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer and the
second leading cause of cancer death. Despite different modalities utilized in
treatment, some patients progressed, raising the search for new predictive and
prognostic markers The present study sought to collect epidemiologic data from
patients in SECI diagnosed with CRC. This information is considered important
to shape national public health policies. For this purpose, hospital admission
Objectives: The study aims to analyze the demographics and tumor
characteristics of CRC patients concerning their response to treatment and
Patients and Methods: This prospective study included 80 CRC patients
diagnosed between 2022 and 2024, their demographic data, clinicopathological
features of their tumors, therapy response, and survival outcome.
Results: We observed that the mean age of the patients was 46.49 years (±13.5),
with 47/80 patients (58.7%) being older than 45 years. Among the patients
studied, 44 out of 80 (55%) were diagnosed with stage IV cancer, while the
remaining 36 patients (45%) were diagnosed with stages II and III. Wild-type
KRAS was more prevalent among our patients, found in 24/41 cases (58.8%).
The median overall survival (OS) for our patients was 21.3 months. The median
disease-free survival (DFS) has not yet been reached. The median progression-
free survival (PFS) was 7.1 months.
Conclusion: We concluded that most of the patients were presented at Stage IV.
Most of metastatic patients with wild-type KRAS. There is a need for more
screening tests to diagnose colorectal cancer at an earlier stage. Additionally, we
recommend conducting more specific studies on colorectal cancer at our
institute and suggest that further demographic studies be carried out in Egypt.
